Children and Family Wellbeing Service
The Children and Family Wellbeing Service (CFW) offers early help and support to children, young people age 0-19+yrs (0 - 25yrs for SEND) and their families across Lancashire. The service responds as early as possible when a child, young person, or family needs support, helping them to access services to meet their needs and working with them to ensure the support offered is right for them, is offered in the right place, and at the right time.
The focus of the service is to provide an enhanced level of support which is prioritised towards those groups or individuals who have more complex or intensive needs or who are at risk and particularly where we think that providing early help will make a positive difference. Children and Family Wellbeing staff are skilled, committed and recognise that every family has different needs. The service approach is to listen, understand and work alongside individuals and families to make the changes that will help them get to where they
need to be.
Children and Family Wellbeing Service offers practical support to children, young people, parents and families. This support can be provided on a whole range of issues which may be affecting individuals or the family and is normally offered through a network of neighbourhood centres as well as in the community or in the family home. We also work with children, young people, parents (and parents to be) through group programmes, activities, and drop-in support.