
Mrs. Charlotte White - Chair of Governors
On behalf of the Governing Board, I would like to extend a very warm welcome to you from St. Lawrence Church of England Primary School. I am delighted to be part of this successful and caring school that shares close links with the Barton village and St. Lawrence Church.
As a practising secondary school teacher with 27 years of teaching experience, I am very aware of how hard the teaching staff and Headteacher work to ensure that both staff and students strive to achieve the highest standards and to ensure that your child thrives and develops in a warm and friendly school environment. As a parent of three children, all of whom have moved through the school to secondary school, I am very appreciative of the support they have received and continue to receive.
I am fortunate also to work with a committed and active Governing Body that is regularly involved in the daily life of the school and cares enormously about the continued success of this popular school.
If you would like to see the school in action, please arrange to come in. I can guarantee that you will receive the most cordial of welcomes.
Our Governing Board has three key roles;
- To provide a strategic direction for the school
- To act as a critical friend to the school &
- To hold the school to account for the educational standards it achieves, and the quality of education it provides
All governors involve themselves actively in the work of the Governing Body and accept a fair share of responsibilities, including service on committees. Each governor is attached to one area of the curriculum and maintains regular contact with the subject leaders. The Governing Body meets, in full, at least once every term, as do all the committees.
Mrs. Charlotte White - Chair of Governors & Foundation Governor
- Appointed by the Diocese of Blackburn
- Sits on Curriculum, Premises, Health and Safety, Pupil Discipline, Staff Disciplinary, Admissions and Appraisal and Performance Management Committees
- Register of business interests: none
- Term of Office ends September 2027
Mr. David Oludotun Fasanya (PhD - Lancaster) - Vice Chair of Governors & Foundation Governor
- Foundation Governor since 2013 - Elected by the PCC
- Term of Office comes to an end in June 2025
- Chair of Curriculum Committee
- Sits on the Finance & Personnel, Curriculum, Complaints Appeals, Pay Review and Staff Disciplinary and Dismissal Committees
- Register of Business Interests: Kairos-Issachar Consulting Ltd - Consultant to the education sector
Mr. Michael Clack - Local Authority Governor
- Safeguarding Lead Governor
- Appointed by Lancashire County Council
- Sits on Premises, Health and Safety, Finance and Personnel, Pupil Discipline and Complaints Appeals Committees
- Term of office ends December 2026
- Register of business interests: Orbital Education and a governor for schools in Lancashire and overseas.
Reverend Gregor Stewart - Ex-oficio Governor
- Governor by appointment to the position of Rector of the Fellside Team
- Term of Office comes to an end in April 2027
- Sits on the Curriculum, Appraisal and Performance Management, and Admissions Committees
- Register of Business Interests: Team Rector - Fellside
Mr. Michael Banks - Foundation Governor
- Appointed by the Diocese of Blackburn
- Sits on the Curriculum Committee
- Register of business interests: none
- Term of Office ends April 2026
Mrs. Melissa Baron - Foundation Governor
- Appointed by the Diocese of Blackburn
- Term of office to end May 2027
- Sits on the Finance and Personnel Committee, the Building, Health and Safety Committee and the Pay Review Committee
- Register of business interests: none
Mrs. Emma Bennett - Foundation Governor
- Appointed by the Diocese of Blackburn
- Term of office to end March 2025
- Sits on the Finance and Personnel Committee, Appraisal and Performance Management, Complaints Appeals, Pay Appeals, Pupil Discipline
- Register of business interests: Senior Recruitment Consultant Randstad Education
Mrs. Linda Harvey - Foundation Governor
- Foundation Governor - Elected by the PCC
- Term of office ends July 2027
- Sits on the Curriculum Committee
Mrs. Eluned Ikin - Foundation Governor
- Appointed by the Diocese of Blackburn
- Term of Office comes to an end in August 2025
- Chair of the Finance & Personnel Committee,
- Sits on the Premises, Health & Safety, Finance and Personnel, Pay Review, Pupil Discipline, Extended Services and Staff Appeals Committees
- Register of Business Interests: None
Ms. Helen Lonsdale - Parent Governor
- Elected by the parents
- Term of Office comes to an end in January 2026
- Sits on the Curriciulum Committee
- Register of Business Interests: None
Mr. Gareth Maughan - Parent Governor
- Elected by the parents
- Term of Office ends April 2025
- Sits on the Finance and Personnel & Premises, Health and Safety Committees
- Register of Business Inerest - none
Mrs. Louise Higham - Staff Governor
- Elected by Staff
- Sits on the Finance and Personnel Committee
- Term of Office ends December 2024
Mr. Richard Crook - Headteacher & Staff Governor
- Term of Office comes to an end on July 2025
- Sits on the Curriculum Committee
- Register of Business Interests: None
(Observers are able to attend meetings are unable to vote)
Mr. Trevor Tomlinson - Observer
- St Lawrence School Trustee, Ex-Governor (now observer).
- First became a Governor in 1985
- Sits on the Premises, Health & Safety Committee
- Register of Business Interests: Local land owner and retired farmer
- Term of office ends August 2024
Mrs. Rachel Sharp - Observer
- Deputy Headteacher
- Term of Office ends March 2027
- Sits on the Curriculum Committee and Premises, Health and Safety Committees
- Register of Business Interests: None
Mr. James Davis - Observer
- Teacher
- Sits on the Curriculum Committee
- Register of Business Interests: None
Mrs Julie Goodwin - Former Headteacher - Governor to January 2024
Julie's Farewell Letter
It really doesn’t seem like over seventeen years since I wrote my very first letter to parents as the new headteacher of Barton St Lawrence CE Primary School. It is true that time flies much quicker as you get older! I feel just as passionate about the school, it’s staff and pupils, and the wider Barton community as I did all those years ago. It has been an incredible journey, and I feel privileged to have spent my headship here. There can be no better feeling than loving the job you do. I have worked with some amazing people over the years – staff, governors and parents alike – and have been welcomed by the church and wider Barton community throughout. I feel enormous pride at the changes that these people have made to a school that was threatened with closure all those years ago.
On a personal note, I have been through some tough times during my headship and, thankfully, some amazing times too, and the village, church and school has been there to support and guide me through them all. It was therefore very fitting to be able to share the end of my career with the whole community on Friday night. The team here really did give me a night to remember and more memories to treasure. I was overwhelmed by the reception I received from parents and pupils at Party Number 1 and by the number of family, friends and colleagues, past and present who attended Party Number 2. Thank you to each and every one of you for your contributions, well-wishes and gifts and particular thanks to the children who created the wonderful portraits – they really did make my day!
People do say that you know when the time has come to retire and though it took a lot of soul searching to arrive at that decision, I know that the time is right now – for me, and for the school. I know that I am leaving it in very capable hands with Mr Crook and his team and I know that the pride and love that I feel for St Lawrence CE Primary School will continue for many years to come.
With my sincere thanks to you all and with every good wish for Christmas, the New Year and the future,
Reverend Dr. Susan Salt - Foundation Governor to February 2023
Useful Links
Follow these links to visit;
Guidance for Governors in Maintained Schools
Lancashire Association of School Governing Bodies