Awards - Autumn 1 - 2024/25
You are an absolute joy to teach and have a real passion for learning and everything that you do. You are a bit of a perfectionist and settle for nothing less. You have an incredible way of giving explanations in class and always do this with such precision and confidence. The answers are always in such depth and you have a phenomenal range of knowledge in every single subject. If there is ever a time in class when I need an answer, you are always the person to rely on and I always know you will provide an excellent answer. For somebody to be this young and be able to deliver words with such assurance and accuracy is an incredible trait to have. Well done and keep being the super individual that you are.
I am so amazed by the happy, confident, chatty chap you are becoming. You make jokes with your friends and share your play with the other children. We have been challenging you to do more and more, and you are rising to those challenges. You are joining in with group tasks and talking to adults with confidence. You even spoke to Mr Crook at the front of assembly! Well done for having the confidence to let your light shine in our classroom.
During the first half-term, you have displayed our school value of forgiveness on numerous occasions. One of these times, was during a game of football when you were the goalkeeper. Trying to save a shot, the ball hit you straight in the face. This would have caused you quite a lot of pain, but never once did you show any animosity towards the person who kicked the ball. You accepted it as one of these things that happen. Then, more recently, when playing with the little ones, their game got quite rough and once again ended with you getting hurt - even leaving you with a black eye. Once the children had said sorry, you were quick to forgive and move on. We are so proud of how you show all of us how to forgive. Well done.
You have been truly amazing this half-term in the amount of generosity you have shown your friends, especially to one in particular. When that person is feeling upset, you are the first person to wrap your arm around their shoulder to try to cheer them up. If they ever feel left out or sad because they haven’t got what their friends have got, you are the first to offer your things. You have shown such kindness in always being there to help them with their work, to play games with them at playtime and to make friendship bracelets for them. You have shown just what an incredible friend you really are. We are so very proud of you.
You have made a wonderful start to school. You are quiet and try your very best all the time but whatever the day, however you feel, you have a smile for everyone. You greet me with a happy face everyday - a smile that is definitely contagious - you can't help but smile back. There was a time you were upset because someone had bumped into you but within minutes you found your smile and wasn't angry in the slightest. This week, you haven't been feeling well and still you continue to smile and share your happy soul. You are a little happy ray of sunshine and we are lucky that you are part of our class.
From the moment you joined our school a few weeks ago, you have brightened up our lives with your quirky sense of fun, your interesting anecdotes and your very descriptive tales of moving between grandparents on your quest to buy a new house. The confidence you show to chat to all adults in school is fantastic to see and has allowed us all to really get to know your beautifully different nature. Your deadly serious, but extremely humorous, little quips, have made the teachers not just giggle, but sometimes burst out into fits of uncontrollable laughter. I hope your quiet, but wonderfully confident and individual personality never changes and we look forwards to watching you grow as you move through school.
You have received the award for integrity for your unwavering positive attitude throughout your time at Tower Wood. Challenges like the ones you faced are not easy, they are designed to test you - to push you to your limits both physically and mentally. Many children find this a challenge. Those children often crack. They complain, they moan. They say they can't do it. Not once through our time at Tower Wood, did I hear a single negative word leave your mouth. No matter how hard it got, you maintained your positive integrity, working to inspire and encourage those around you. It made you a genuine pleasure to spend the week with and I thoroughly enjoyed experiencing these challenges through your eyes.
You light up the classroom with your beaming smile. You are happy to take on almost any challenge and love to work with your friends. We had a conversation about your favourite thing at school and you told me it was "everything!". The joy you bring to your teachers and friends by having a positive attitude is incredible. Keep being you - we think you are wonderful!
You have a very strong sense of justice and know right from wrong. But that isn't why we have chosen you for this award. You also recognise the importance of people being treated fairly and being given another chance. In the lead up to your birthday party you brought in invitations. Unfortunately, you had a fall out with one of your friends and you decided you didn't want to invite him to your party anymore. Then you took time to think and realised that it is important that we have second chances and that people aren't left out because they have made a mistake. Well done for being so mature, not just in that moment, but throughout all you do.
Kindness is a difficult value to put into words as it is very easy to overlook and take for granted, especially if it is consistently demonstrated on a daily basis. You have consistently shown a caring and compassionate spirit, particularly towards your classmates this half-term. You have been an exceptional friend to everyone within the year 5 classroom. What I have noticed, in particular, is how you go out of your way to support others at break times. He have shown a keen eye for those who seem to be lonely and have been very quick to offer your company, inviting them to join in with games or just simply to be someone to play with. This not only brightens their day but also promotes a strong sense of belonging within our classroom. Your kindness has not just been limited to break times; it has shone through in the classroom as well. You are always willing to help those around you who may be struggling with their work. Whether it’s offering a simple explanation or just providing reassurance, you have embodied what it means to be a true friend in and out of the classroom. Congratulations! Your kindness is an inspiration to us all and thank you for showing others that even small acts of kindness can make everyone’s day better.
You show a willingness to try your best every day and always enter the classroom with such a happy and positive attitude. You give 100% in all subjects and always look for ways to improve which is a fantastic trait to have. You don’t always find everything easy, but this doesn’t stop you from giving everything a go and having a never give up attitude. You are currently trying so hard to improve in everything you do. Resilience is also defined as the capacity to withstand or to recover quickly from difficulties and this is something that you have recently done. A recent swimming lesson caused a lot of distress for you and you got yourself into an awkward situation. You were quite apprehensive to want to go swimming after this, but you built up the courage, confidence and resilience to want to go back. This has made you a better swimmer and has ensured that you now go swimming each week with a smile on your face and ready to face any challenge.
You have received the award for service for the unwavering support you show to everyone around you. It is testament to your service to us all that most people here will not know the lengths you have gone to for those around you. You are a pleasure to have in class and you are one of the hardest working children in this school. You drive to improve yourself daily and always look for ways to get better. On top of that, you are kind, caring and charitable - demonstrated by your recent sponsored cycle. What I admire most about you, is the fact that I have not heard you mention this feat even once. You do not brag, you do not boast. You are humble in your actions. Those who claim to be selfless cannot be called so if they declare their actions to the world. You keep your kindness hidden away. To me, that is the true definition of being selfless. You look to serve those around you with no expectation of reward. However, that does not mean you do not deserve one! That is why you have earned the service award. For being your kind and selfless self.