Year 3 - Mrs. Pilling 2024 - 2025
Mrs Pilling
Welcome to Year 3
Our Class Teacher is Mrs Pilling and our Teaching Assistant is Miss Hindle. Our Cuuriculum Overview and Termly Topic Webs can be found in the files section towards the bottom of this page along with a Welcome to Year 3 PowerPoint which should answer many of the questions that you may have.
If you need to have a quick word with a member of staff, please see them at school pick up or drop off. There is always a member of staff on duty. Anything that may require a longer conversation should take place in a pre-arranged meeting. Please contact the school office to make an appointment.
We have had a super first day in Year 3. We painted a Giant for out topic wall in preparation for reading a Lancashire folktale about Johnny the Giant. Here are some photos:
We have had such fun on our first school trip! We can't wait to do some more Forest School activities!
We have now had our first session with the Let's Go Sing Animateurs. The children had an amazing time and we learnt a grand total of 4 new songs ready for the concert in March!
We have been learning about the Jewish Sukkot Festival. We created our own Sukkah (tabernacle) and thought about the similarities and differences between the Jewish and Christian Harvest festivals.
Today, we read the folktales that we have been writing to our families.
Today, we made and recorded observations about human skeletons. We also asked and answered questions about them using secondary sources.
Today, we cooked our final test product after designing and making a healthy, cooked picnic item. Well done Year 3, the food was delicious!
We have just started our new history topic...The Romans! We learned all about the reasons we believe the Romans invaded Britain and discussed what it meant to be an 'empire'. After that, we applied our new learning in computing. We had completed our topic on coding in Spring 1 and put our prior learning to the test! We designed a code that made use of speech, the timer function, the repeat function and the collision detection. We also chose sprites that represented the time period. Have a look at our fantastic coding achievements below.
This is the special place in our classroom where we come to together and think about our lives, God and the school values.
Any problems or queries, please contact me directly by emailing:
- Every member of staff is still working full time in school.
- Teachers and teaching assistants will be available throughout the day to answer any queries you or your child has about the work that has been set.
- There is no difference between the work set in school and the work that is completed by pupils at home.
- Literacy and Numeracy lessons taught in each class are shared via Zoom so that every child has contact with their teacher on a daily basis. Children joining by Zoom will be expected to join in with the learning in class.
- Lessons will be shared via the class pages on the website and / or class dojo.
- Children at home and in school will be set a personal project to work on alongside the formal teaching. This could be a history, science, art or DT project. Additional work will be set for other subjects.
- Pupils will be encouraged to take part in PE activities from home.
In all subject areas, standards of teaching and learning will remain at the usual high standard. Pupils will be expected to submit work and teachers will mark and return it. Everyone at home and in school has worked incredibly hard throughout the Autumn Term to plug gaps in learning; pupils were making excellent progress. We do not want to let that slip!
Reading plus (DAILY LESSONS you will need your username and password for this)
Year 3/4 spellings
Online access to reading scheme books
Take part in a writing masterclass
Improve your handwriting
Free English units, including plans and resources to work through
SPaG activities (passwords on the front of your homework folder)
Practise number bonds and times tables
Tell the time
Lots of maths resources from the Lancashire Maths team
Plenty of maths games
Free Maths plan for multiplication and division, including resources and teaching packs
Free online tutorials and activities (you will need to use your password on the front of your homework folder to access this site)
Home Learning Packs
This resource pack includes plenty of resources for home learning
A fantastic website that lists ideas for family learning. Includes mathematics, spelling, and ideas for other subjects
A fantastic home learning pack that includes Maths, GPS, reading and other practical ideas
Online tutorials, activities, learn screens. Inlcudes Maths, English, spelling and other subjects
Free lessons through interactive learning links for Maths, English, Topic. Split into days for easy timetabling.
Computing - coding
Free science plans, resources and teaching packs
Free topic pack (The Romans in Britain). Includes plans, resources and teaching packs for history, science, art, DT, drama