Year 2 - Mrs. Desai & Miss Geraghty 2024 - 2025

Mrs Desai

Miss Geraghty

Welcome to Year 2 for 2024-25 with

Mrs. Desai and Miss Geraghty.


Our Curriculum Overview and Termly Topic Webs can be found in the files section towards the bottom of this page.  

If you need to have a quick word with a member of staff, please see them at school pick up or drop off. There is always a member of staff on duty. Anything that may require a longer conversation should take place in a pre-arranged meeting. Please contact the school office to make an appointment.



In English we are looking at Explorers. We have been reading books about Bob The Man On The Moon and learning about all of his adventures, his best friend Barry and discovered that he thinks "theres absolutley no such thing as aliens!"

We came back from assembly to find the classroom had been destroyed! We looked around the classroom and gathered evidence, we found some footprints, torn shirts, upside down chairs and even a coded message on the whiteboard! After a discussion we came to the conclusion that it must be Ovi the alien, our alien friend who crashed in the school field last year.


Fit for Feb 

As a school we took part in a sponsered Fit for Feb day.We played lots of games in the hall and took part in a group relay outside. 





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Year 2 - Mrs. Desai & Miss Geraghty: Gallery items

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Pupils at St Lawrence Church of England Primary School are easy to distinguish by the personal qualities they present.They are happy, confident, articulate children with a love of learning.


St Lawrence CE Primary School
Jepps Ave, Barton, Preston
Louise Higham
01772 862664

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