Worship and Values Committee

This committee is run by Mrs Rogerson along with a Year 6 pupil RE leader and further children from years 1-6.  This committee meets bi-weekly on a Wednesday morning and we undertake activities that can help the presence of RE in our school, give our pupils a voice and also collaborate with other schools in our local area.

Members of our committee expressed a keen interest to be involved in promoting the presence of God throughout school.  They are involved with many activities including facilitating whole school worship, assisting teachers during whole school RE activities, leading a lunchtime Bible club and being the face of Barton St.Lawrence when we link up with our partner schools.  The children also help to collect feedback from whole school teacher-led worship and look for examples of good practice around school in class RE areas or even in the way our children deal with each other in situations when they show respect, love, tolerance and care.

We are so pleased to begin meeting once again in the Autumn Term. Our first priority will be to ensure whole school worship is as exciting and engaging as it was before the Summer Holidays. The committe have recently put together a questionnaire to complete with their peers to find out their thoughts on worship and reflection in our school. The results of this will be published here soon. We will also be preparing and delivering our first child led worship of the year. This will be on the theme of Trust which will be our whole school value for the second half of the Autumn Term.


Pupils at St Lawrence Church of England Primary School are easy to distinguish by the personal qualities they present.They are happy, confident, articulate children with a love of learning.


St Lawrence CE Primary School
Jepps Ave, Barton, Preston
Louise Higham
01772 862664

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