Year 5 - Mr Gibney 2024 - 2025

Mr Davis

Welcome to Year 5 Hello there!. Our Class Teacher is Mr Gibney and our Teaching Assistant is Mrs Maskell. Our Cuuriculum Overview and Termly Topic Webs can be found in the files section towards the bottom of this page

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Awesome Anglo Saxons - Autumn 1

We have made a busy start to Year 5 and have already been learning all about the Anglo Saxons. We then applied our knowledge in our computing lessons and made concept maps all about the reasons the Anglo Saxons invaded. We edited our concept maps to include pictures, change the colour of the nodes and also change the font.




Our World - Summer 1

Our learning for this half term focuses on The Amazon Rainforest and the life cycles of animals and plants. Have a look at our homework projects for this half term, which links to some of our prior learning from earlier in the year. 

Homework Project

Below is a display board showing how we have used our computing knowledge to support our geography. We learned all about databases in computing and then made our own with information about the countries of South America! We can then use these in class to support the rest of our geography topic.

We have tried to make the most of the lovely weather that the Summer term brings us. We have taken our worship outside and collected or created something for our friends. When we gave them the gift, we told them why we had thought of them. This was exploring our current worship value of Friendship (Happiness).



Worship 1.jpegWorship 2.jpegWorship 3.jpeg

In Literacy, we are preparing to write an adventure story inspired by the rainforest location. We are currently reading Journey to the River Sea by Eva Ibbotson but wanted to explore the rainforest setting in other ways. We watched the trailer for Jungle Cruise and turned our hand from writing book reviews to film reviews! We even read a section aloud and recorded it. We were very confident in expressing our opinions on video.  Have a look at an example below! 

We were inspired by the character in the Jungle Cruise trailer, so decided to create our own characters for our rainforest story. We used a Minecraft character creator to design our protaganists. We then applied our current grammar learning to write some speech punctuation for our characters in our books. Finally, we recorded the audio of this speech and imposed it over the top of our characters. We made sure to generate speech that really fit our character and demonstrated our articulation. There is an example below.


As part of our science unit exploring life cycles, we went out in to our environmental area to search for frogs. Before we went hunting, we made predictions using our prior learning about habitats. We made sensible guesses as to where we would find the frogs outside. When we got out, we couldn't find any! This was because we hadn't yet applied our new learning of life cycles to our predictions. Once we re-evaluated our ideas, we realised we would find the frogs in the water as they were in the early stages of their life cycle. They were still tadpoles!

Screenshot 2023-05-04 at 11.29.42.png


As part of our geography work, we have been considering the importance of the Amazon Rainforest to the rest of the world. We were inspired by the song 'Imagine' and wrote our own verses to the song that demonstrated our frustration at the injustice shown in this part of the world. We are currently working on combining our song with pictures we will take in Minecraft that show the structure of the rainforest.

Continuing our science work, we have been learning about how plants reproduce (one of the seven life processes). We learned about the process and then dissected tulips in class. We separated the dissected parts by the vocabulary we learned. We then took photos of the individual parts and created iMovie videos where we explained the process of reproduction in plants. Demonstrating our articulation with our new vocabulary!

Awesome Anglo Saxons

In the Autumn Term, we studied the history of the Anglo Saxons and how they came to settle in this country. Linking to this, we are currently reading Beowulf in Literacy and are in the process of writing our own British Legends, filled with monsters and valiant heroes.

Here are some examples of the work we have been completing linking our computing and literacy skills together.


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Pupils at St Lawrence Church of England Primary School are easy to distinguish by the personal qualities they present.They are happy, confident, articulate children with a love of learning.


St Lawrence CE Primary School
Jepps Ave, Barton, Preston
Louise Higham
01772 862664

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